About Us

We have always had a love for animals!  It troubles us when pets are neglected in any way.  We try to be responsible pet owners and take as good of care of our pets as possible.

Because our pets are cherished family members, we worry about them when we leave them home alone.  And, who tells family, friends, or neighbors about every time they come and go?  As we were driving home from the County Fair one Saturday night, these questions came to mind: 

Our family does not live nearby, and our schedules are erratic; so we knew our pets would suffer from neglect if something happened to us.  And so the idea for PetCheck Alert™ was born!  

Now we have peace of mind when we leave our pets home alone.  We hope using PetCheck Alert puts your mind at ease when you leave your furry, fuzzy, hoofed, slithery, scaly, or feathery family members home alone, too!


Terry and Jan



Copyright ©2024 Starbright Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. PetCheck Alert is a Service Mark and Brand Name of Starbright Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved. Patented in the U.S.A. Designed, built and hosted in the U.S.A.